The idea that each successive generation has it easier than the one that came before it has become a shibboleth in the United States. Parents and grandparents are always telling their kids and grandkids how hard they had it growing up. They didn’t have computers Adidas Evander Kane Jersey , mobile phones, ready-made meals, or flat-screen TVs. Some days they walked to school in four feet of snow and they never went out to eat our ordered in because they simply couldn’t afford it. The veracity of some of these stories remains in question, but one thing we know for certain is that modern students do more homework than their parents and grandparents did.

The younger generations today are the first to be assigned homework in the early grades. Even kids in kindergarten and first grade are expected to complete around 20 minutes of homework each day, which was never the cases with earlier generations. Why is this? According to most educators, the earlier students start, the easier it will be for them to get into the habit of completing assignments at home.

But did you know that homework has always been controversial in America? It has even been banned for children in elementary and middle schools in the past. The theory was that only high school students should be assigned work away from school and that children should enjoy their childhoods. The proponents of homework eventually won out as more and more Americans started preparing for and attending colleges and universities. In other words, they needed to develop habits of independent study, and homework was the most reliable way for them to do just that.

Where are we now?

According to a recent poll, most parents feel that their children are being assigned the right amount of homework. About the same proportion answered that there was either too little or too much homework on a daily basis. The arguments for more out-of-school assignments are simple and difficult to dispute.

Firs and most important, it lets parents see exactly what their children are studying in school and what they need to know to succeed in their studies. While it is true that some high-achieving parents push their kids too hard based on the information they receive from homework assignments, most simply use them to stay informed and on top of things.

With that said, there is some evidence that overworked children are burning out because of too much homework. According to a recent survey conducted by AskKids, 43 percent of parents admitted that they regularly do their kids’ homework for them. When asked why, most respond that they do it to ease the stress and strain on their children. Many more, 84 percent, help their children with homework, which is certainly not against the rules, but it is proof that kids may be overloaded in the modern era.

Homework Help Online

Instead of running to mom and dad for answers or buying essays online, children can now gain a sense of independence by seeking homework help online. There are many reputable sites that offer students of all grade levels help with challenging subjects. Some of these websites offer their services for free, while others charge a set fee for homework help online.

What to look for?

A website that offers help with homework should employ experienced tutors that offer step-by-step instruction. Payment schedules and rates should be clearly posted on the site as well as information about each instructor. This is the third installment in a world of incredibly fun sports games played with dice. In the first installment I taught you how to play the college version of Dice Football. Then in the second you learned the Pro Football dice game. Now it is Dice Baseball, which is the first dice game that I ever invented. Just as in my football games you will need two dice, notebook paper and a pen or pencil to play dice baseball.

You will recall that in the college football game you got your box score set up so that you can begin the game and just take turns for four quarters. In the baseball game you will have to make a box score sheet that has nine boxes split in half. These two halves represent the home team and the visitors. Remember that in baseball the home team always bats last and should be on the bottom of the two box halves.

As in real baseball each team rolls for nine innings. The exception of course is the home team. If the home team is winning after the visitor has finished his half of the ninth, then there is no need for the home boys to roll the ninth. Just like in real baseball the game is over and the dice can hit the showers.

Batting is pretty simple. Each team gets to start their half of an inning by rolling the dice once. If the two die total an even number then they can roll again. That is because even dice totals equal one single. An even dice total will be one of the following combinations; 1+3=4, 1+5=6, 2+4=6, 2+6=8, 3+5=8, 4+6=10. If the next roll yields an even number then there has been another hit. Now in baseball terms this means that there are, two men on base. The rolling player now gets a third roll. As you can see where this is going, another even number means that the bases are loaded. A fourth consecutive even dice result will bring home the first run and each consecutive roll will continue to bring home runners until the roller finally rolls an odd dice total.

Any odd dice total represents the end of an inning. Thus, if a player rolls an odd number on his first roll, then that inning is over. The odd dice totals are as follows; 1+2=3, 1+4=5, 1+6=7, 2+3=5, 2+5=7, 3+4=7, 3+6=9, 4+5=9, 5+6=11. A really cool thing to do during this game is to see if you can get a no-hit game. You can do this by simply putting a dot in the innings that a player rolls an odd number. You can start this on their initial firs.