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BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- While approaching his destination, a downtown restaurant, Jin Gen grabs his smartphone, opens an app and drives to a shopping mall basement parking zone as directed.

"With the app, I can park my car as close as possible in just a short time," he said.

Zhang, who lives in Beijing's suburban Tongzhou District, often found it difficult to park his car after driving downtown, until a friend told him about parking apps.

"The apps can instantly tell me about nearby parking zones, as well as how many open spots they have -- 'plenty,' 'few,' or 'full,'" he said.

He said some apps also offer electronic coupons to encourage people to pay their parking fees with their mobiles, which has saved him a lot of time queuing at the exit.

Dozens of parking apps, such as U-parking and ETCP, are available in Beijing.

According to China Communications and Transportation Association, there were 4 million parking spaces in Beijing as of April 2017, far fewer than the number of vehicles in the city, which is approaching 6 million.

"It's obviously not practical to build that many parking spaces given the limited land in downtown Beijing, so the key is to encourage a 'parking lot sharing' concept with the help of smartphones," said Li Xin, a Beijing political advisor.

At the ongoing first session of the 13th Beijing Municipal Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Li proposed that the government offer a unified data-sharing platform for these apps, as well as preferential policies including subsidies.

"The current financing channels and embedded advertising are surely not sustainable for these apps," she said.

Zhou Zhengyu, director of the Beijing municipal commission of transport, echoed Li's view, saying a unified platform backed by the government would save users from downloading multiple apps.

Zhou, also a political advisor for Beijing, advised shopping centers, hospitals and other public institutions to open their parking venues to the public in the evening so that nearby residents could park their cars after work.

Around 1.3 million cars have no proper parking space in residential communities in Beijing, according to a recent survey conducted by the commission.

Zhou said an office building managed by a Hong Kong company had provided overnight parking services in Dongcheng District, charging them 300 yuan (47 U.S. dollars) per car per month.

"Hundreds of parking lot units have been supplied for nearby residents after work," he said.

Both Li and Zhou have advised residential communities to share their parking spaces with nearby office workers during the daytime, although residents have expressed safety concerns.

"Parking space sharing attracts strangers, putting the elderly and children back home at risk during the day," said Jin.

Zhou said technology, including facial and vehicle plate number recognition, would address the problem, and a deposit should be required from office workers to compensate for any damage caused by their cars.

The municipal legislature reviewed a draft parking regulation of the city for a third time late last year, including the terms of parking space sharing among residential areas and public institutions.

The regulation is expected to take effect this year, according to Zhou.

Death toll from a fire in a hospital in the South Korean city of Miryang rose to 31 and injured dozens, a local fire official said on Friday, with the blaze suspected to have started in a first floor emergency room.

Blaze in South Korean hospital kills eight, injures dozens

The fire started around 7:30 a.m. (1730 ET) at the rear of the emergency room of Sejong Hospital and most of it had been put out after a few hours, Choi Man-woo, the head of Miryang fire station, told a televised media briefing.

Miryang is about 270 km (168 miles) southeast of Seoul.

Firefighters were still in the process of evacuating the roughly 200 people inside the main hospital building and nursing home directly behind the hospital, Choi said.

As of the time of the briefing, Choi said 10 people had been critically injured and 35 slightly injured.

Local news channel YTN showed black smoke billowing from the windows and entrance to the hospital and flames flickering.

South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon ordered all possible equipment and personnel be used to fight the blaze, adding the hospital shou. Cheap Jerseys   Cheap Jerseys From China   Cheap Authentic NHL Jerseys   Cheap Authentic Soccer Jerseys   Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys China   Wholesale MLB Jerseys   Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys From China   Cheap Nike NBA Jerseys Online   Cheap Authentic College Jerseys   Cheap Kids Nike NBA Jerseys